We always use the Start Menu for shutting down. What if we could run a command to shutdown the computer.

Its as simple as running the command shutdown.

The shutdown command comes with support for multiple parameters. If you just execute the command shutdown, it will display the help menu for the command.

You could run it from either Command Prompt, Run (WinKey + R) or Powershell.

Various useful shutdown commands are :

  • Shutting down the computer
shutdown -s

  • Forcefully Shutting down the computer
shutdown -s -f

Note: You will lose any unsaved data

  • Setting a timer to Shutdown
shutdown -s -t 60

Note: The time is specified in seconds. If not specified, the default time is 30 secs

This is helpful if you are watching a video and is not sure if you would have fallen asleep by the end of the video.
Just run the command : shutdown -s -f -t <<time-left * 60>>

  • Logging off
shutdown -l

  • Aborting a shutdown
shutdown -a

Reference : Microsoft Docs