Windows Terminal is a new product offering by Microsoft, using which we can access various command line offerings both by Microsoft and Linux.

We can use Powershell, Command Prompt, Ubuntu, etc.

What if I wanted to use Git Bash in Windows Terminal!
All I need to do is add a profile.

Here’s how:

  1. Open Windows Terminal
  2. Click on the New Tab Drop Down
  3. Click Settings
    ** Alternatively you can press Ctrl + , to open settings.

Windows Terminal

As of writing of this blog, Windows Terminal settings will open a json file. I recommend using Visual Studio Code IDE to open json files (its your wish though 🙂).

Once the json is opened, under Profiles section, under list array, add the following lines.

    "guid": "{a74fc813-a735-4056-8509-95eb32a08d9b}",
    "hidden": false,
    "name": "Git Bash",
    "commandline": "%PROGRAMFILES%\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",
    "icon": "%PROGRAMFILES%\\Git\\mingw64\\share\\git\\git-for-windows.ico",

You can generate guid here.

Now, you will be able to use Git Bash from Windows Terminal.

Git Bash in Windows Terminal

Links to Download: